ANNA MARSH is a Baroque wind specialist, who is also fluent in Renaissance, Classical and Modern instruments. Her interests lie principally in the double‐reed family, though she also performs on the Renaissance and Baroque recorder. Originally from Tacoma, WA, Anna has appeared with with Opera Lafayette (DC), Tempesta di Mare (Philadelphia), Ensemble Caprice (Montreal), Clarion Society (NYC), and Arion Orchestre Baroque (Montreal), Tafelmusik (Toronto), Seattle Baroque Orchestra, Washington Bach Consort (DC), and Musica Angelica (LA), Atlanta Baroque, Boulder Bach Festival and New York State Baroque, among others. She has been the featured soloist with the Foundling Orchestra with Marion Verbruggen, Arion Orchestre Baroque, The Buxtehude Consort, The Dryden Ensemble, The Indiana University Baroque Orchestra, Boulder Bach and NYS Baroque and others. She co‐directs Ensemble Lipzodes and has taught both privately and at festivals and master classes at the Eastman School of Music, Los Angeles Music and Art School, the Amherst Early Music, and Hawaii Performing Arts Festivals and the Albuquerque, San Francisco Early Music Society and Western Double Reed Workshop. She has also been heard on Performance Today, Harmonia and CBC radio and recorded for Chandos, Analekta, Centaur, Naxos, the Super Bowl, Avie, and Musica Omnia. Marsh has studied music and German studies at Mt. Holyoke College, the Thornton School of Music at the University of Southern California and holds a doctoral in historical performance from the Jacobs School of Music at Indiana University.
Selected Reviews
Daily Camera (Boulder, Colorado), “…But the evening’s real highlight may have been Anna Marsh on bassoon. She made the instrument do acrobatics we rarely hear from it, on a baroque bassoon whose sound was truly unique. Marsh’s concerto received a well-earned and warm ovation.”
Broad Street Review (Philadelphia, PA): “…racing passages on high violins and flutes alternated with memorable solos for Anna Marsh’s Baroque bassoon. It was a perfect evocation of a flowing river, rushing through narrows and slowing in broader areas, and it was a perfect ending for Tempesta’s season.”
Philadelphia Inquirer: “Bassoonist Anna Marsh, a sturdy voice throughout, had starring parts in the Rebel music.”
The Sun Break (Seattle, WA): “…plus fine bassoon from Anna Marsh.”
Selected CD Recordings
Anna can be heard on the following commercially released recordings:
Janitsch: Rediscoveries from the Sara Levy Collection; Tempesta di Mare 2018, Chandos Records
Comédie & Tragédie, Volume 2 (Music of Lully, Rameau and Marais) 2016 Tempesta di Mare, Chandos Records
Les Femmes Vengées by François-André Philidor, Opera Lafayette, 2015 Naxos Records
Comédie & Tragédie, Volume 1, Tempesta di Mare, Chandos Records 2014
Christmas in New Spain, Folger Consort, Bard Records 2014
Hidden Treasures of Italy (with Stefano Montanari). Arion Orchestre 2014
Bach Cantates pour l’Épiphanie, Montreal Baroque Festival, ATMA Classique 2013
Le Roi et le fermier, by Pierre-Alexandre Monsigny. Opera Lafayette 2013 Naxos Records
St John Passion (J. S. Bach). Arion Orchestra Baroque 2012
Prima Donna, with Arion Orchestre Baroque 2012 (Juno Award-Winning Recording)
Bach: Brandenburg Concertos/Shostakovich: Preludes 2012 Ensemble Caprice, Analekta
Israel in Egypt, Trinity Wall Street Orchestra 2012 (nominated for a Grammy® award)
Sancho Pança by François-André Philidor, Opera Lafayette, Naxos Records 2012
J.F. Fasch: Orchestral Works, Volume 3 Tempesta Di Mare, 2012 Chandos Records
Mozart, Symphony No. 40 and dance music from Idomeneo, Apollo’s Fire, 2012 Koch Records
A King is Crowned: Handel Salutes the Royal Family, Apollo’s Fire, 2011 Koch Records
F. Fasch: Orchestral Works, Tempesta di Mare: Volume 2 2011 Chandos Records
Return of the Angels, (Music of Vivaldi and Zelenka), Ensemble Caprice 2011
Le Déserteur by Pierre-Alexandre Monsigny. Opera Lafayette, 2011 Naxos Records
Le Magnifique by André Gretry, Opera Lafayette, Naxos Records 2010
Zelindor by Francoer and Rebel, Opera Lafayette, Naxos Records 2010
Oy Hasemos Fiesta, Ensemble Lipzodes, I.U. Music/Focus Records 2010
Armide by Jean-Baptiste Lully. Opera Lafayette, Naxos Records 2008
Music from an Incan City: Vesper’s at Cusco, Ensemble Lipzodes with University of North Texas UNT Records 2007
Bach’s Lutheran Masses, The Publick Musick, Musica Omnia Records 2006
Aradia Ensemble: Water Music and Fireworks Music by Handel, 2005 Naxos Records
Norton Anthology of Western Music: Concentus Singers 2005
“Bass” ically French, Centaur Records 2005