A collection of the period instruments I own. Click on the photos for more detail.
For more information on Wolf Instruments: Guntram Wolf Modern and Historical Woodwind Instruments
For more information on Fox Instruments: Fox Products

Renaissance and Medieval
Left: Soprano Shawm (Moulder) after Spanish original
Center Top: soprano recorders after originals in the Wiener Kunsthistorisches Museum (Rob Turner)
Center Bottom: Galician-style tambourine
Right: Bass dulcian (Junghanel) after Italian original

Left: Baroque bassoon (pitched at 415) was made by Guntram Wolf in Kronach, Germany in 2003. It is a copy of an anonymous instrument circa 1700.
Center Top: 415 Aesthe recorder
Center Bottom: Anonymous small tunable field drum
Right: French Baroque bassoon (pitched at 392) is also an anonymous instrument from circa 1700 made by Guntram Wolf in 2007.

Moeck J. Steenbergen Soprano recorder 415

Classical bassoon is a copy of a Heinrich Grenser circa 1800 and was made by Guntram in 2005.

Modern Fox 601 bassoon from 1995.