ANNA MARSH, has taught over 80 private students in her work as a bassoon, piano and recorder teacher. Her students have ranged in age from 8 to 88 and from professionals to amateurs. She has given master classes at festivals in Londrina and Brasilia, Brazil and in Quito, Ecuador. Anna has taught privately at the Eastman School and the Los Angeles Music and Art School. She also has taught and coached ensembles at the Amherst Early Music Festival, Hawaii Performing Arts Festival, San Francisco Early Music Society Baroque Workshop, Cornell University, The Western and Albuquerque Double Reed Workshops and the Rocky Ridge Early Music Festival and Workshop. She has also lectured at the Washington National Gallery of Art and the Weyerhauser Company.
Feel free to contact her for more information about lessons in person or over the internet or attend one of the summer workshops she teaches at.
Teaching Thoughts
Welcome to my teaching blog! Feel free to contact me if you have any questions and I’ll try to address it here.
Etienne Ozi’s Method for Bassoon and his contemporaries
While earlier books of sonatas are published for the bassoon, such as Giovanni Antonio Bertoli’s collection from 1645, Etienne Ozi’s Méthode de Basson is the earliest, most comprehensive method for bassoon that includes illustrations, reed making, exercises, sonatas, duets etc. There are two versions of the his method book. The first version was published in 1787, and the…
Haydn and Dieter’s 6 Duettinos, Classical Duets for Bassoon
A student recently came to me wondering what classical period repertoire he could work on the Wolf copy of a Grenser bassoon (circa 1800, at 430 HZ) other than concerti. There are six beautiful duettinos by Franz Joseph Haydn and Christian Ludwig Dieter in an edition collected by William Waterhouse. These duets, published by Dieter…